Juvenile Field Services

Juvenile Field
4000 Branch Center Road
Sacramento, CA 95827
Phone: (916) 875-4600
Fax: (916) 875-4605

(Driving Directions)

“The vision of Juvenile Field Services is to build a safer community by strengthening youth, families, and young adults and promoting their well-being.  We value collaboration, trauma informed care and best practices, data driven decision-making, and the power of voice and choice." ~ Shaunda Cruz, Chief Deputy

Juvenile Field Services is responsible for the supervision of youth under the Juvenile Court's jurisdiction.  The youth are given a risk and needs assessment to determine the risk of reoffending as well as to identify strengths and service needs. Individualized case plans are jointly created with the youth and family. Youth are then referred to an array of targeted community based interventions and resources which may include: individual, group and family counseling (cognitive in nature and trauma focused); life skills; 24/7 crisis response; family and youth advocacy; transportation; education and vocational opportunities; and specialty services for Transition Age Youth (TAY). Probation Officers provide supportive case management in the community, teaming with local service providers with the goal of keeping youth and families together and maintaining safer communities. 

Home Supervision and Electronic Monitoring

The Home Supervision/Electronic Monitoring unit provides alternatives to detention and is utilized by the Court and the Probation Department.

  • Home Supervision provides enhanced supervision and accountability of minors in the community. While on Home Supervision, minors remain at home at all times except to attend school, church, counseling, and/or work, if employed. A minor may also participate in pro-social, extracurricular school activities or programs deemed appropriate by the Probation Officer. Home Supervision allows the Court and Probation Department to use the least restrictive means necessary to ensure community safety while encouraging pro-social behavior.
  • The Electronic Monitoring program utilizes electronic ankle transmitter to aid the minor in adhering to compliance issues and permits participation in and practice of interventions. Electronic Monitoring is an innovative program used as an alternative to detention and enables enhanced supervision of minors in the community. Electronic Monitoring is utilized by the Court and the Probation Department and can help facilitate a youth's re-entry into the community following detention. Using the most updated technology, Probation Officers provide intensive supervision and ensure the minor's compliance with court orders and ​expectations.
  • Juvenile Field's key operations, including EMHS, remained open throughout the pandemic and increased capacity by over 174%. ​

Roadmap for Success-Candidacy Assessment, Programmi​ng, and Reentry Team

The first step in the Juvenile Field supervision assignment process is screening and assessment​  through a structured interview to engage and motivate the youth and family.  Officers meet with youth subject to a WIC §602 petition to determine reasonable candidacy (imminent risk of removal into foster care as defined by CaDSS Title IV-E guidelines) and update their risk-and-needs assessment, in collaboration with the youth's family/legal guardian, to determine their risk to recidivate and to identify strengths and areas of need. The assessment results drive the dynamic and individualized case planning process with an emphasis on criminogenic risk and protective factors. Through this guided process, evidence-based programs within the community are discussed and explored with the youth and family. Referrals to community-based providers are made on-site and connection to service is timely. Supervision and support are provided by case managing officers who further collaborate with service providers, youth, families, and natural supports. 

Reentry Development for Youth

The target population for Reentry Development for Youth (R.E.D.Y-GO!) is comprised of youth returning to our community as a result of an episode in detention or placement. Best practices recognize that reentry planning and services begin at the time of admission to detention and continue beyond the youth's release and reintegration into the community. This reentry continuum consists of three overlapping phases: 1) in the facility, 2) the transition out of the facility and into the community, and 3) in the community. Sacramento County's reentry process utilizes collaborative teaming to assess strengths and needs, develop transition and case plans, and make connections to services, education, housing and employment prior to release from custody.

The R.E.D.Y-GO! program provides intentional coordination for community transition and stabilization prior to release through a comprehensive assessment based on strength and need, the development of an individualized case plan, referrals to community-based services and family engagement. Through a collaborative teaming process with representatives from Probation, BHS, Primary Health, SCOE, service providers and most importantly, the youth and family, a transition plan is developed. Prior to community reentry, connections to services related to treatment, education, housing, employment/vocational opportunities and positive youth development are made. The collaborative process and plan implementation continue as case managing officers provide supervision and support within the community.

Community-Based Supervision

The Community-Based Supervision Unit (CBSU) case assignment is based on the school districts where youth on probation attend school.  The CBSU is designed to give officers increased access to youth during the school day which provides a better opportunity to supervise and support them in the community.

Juvenile Field officers supervise both community and “office" cases, which allows youth to be moved between the two caseload types based upon their assessed needs.  This approach increases supervision efficiency, education and advocacy, and promotes healthy relationships between youth and officers. Through a fluid case planning process that often includes Child and Family Team (CFT) meetings, officers work with youth, families and community-based providers to ensure service needs are met.

Impact Services Unit

Probation officers in the Impact Services Unit provide enhanced case management services to youth on probation who are experiencing mental health disorders and sexual exploitation. Through collaborative partnerships across systems, higher risk youth and families are supported through a teaming process, Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) and/or CFT meetings, which may occur in a mental health full service partnership program or through Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (CSEC) specific programming as described in detail below. Youth and families are referred to community-based programs to support their varying needs which may include family based services, psychiatric services, cognitive based individual or group therapy, trauma related curriculums, youth advocates, life skills and/or educational/vocational training opportunities. Officers in this unit receive specific training in order to support the complex needs of the youth and their families.

Commercially Sexually Exploited Children

Since 2014, the California Legislature has invested in the child welfare system's capacity to identify and serve CSEC, while simultaneously shifting away from criminalization. Sacramento County has utilized a multi-layered set of strategies to strengthen the ability of front line staff and employees to engage serve and support CSEC and their families. Sacramento County's CSEC Steering Committee, led by the Department of Child, Family and Adult Services (DCFAS), includes representatives from probation, Juvenile Court, education, law enforcement, the Public Defender, the District Attorney, Public Health, BHS and community-based organizations that serve CSEC. The Juvenile Court dedicated a docket to CSEC youth that includes support from two Juvenile Field officers and one Juvenile Court presenter.

The West Coast Screening Assessment Tool is conducted on every youth booked into the YDF in order to identify youth believed to be CSEC. If necessary, the CSEC Field Unit conducts the assessment for youth in the community. CSSEC youth are placed on the caseloads of specially trained probation officers which includes human trafficking, victimization and pimping, intervention strategies, harm reduction, trauma informed case, and services specific to CSEC. The officers meet with CSEC youth to discuss their current situation and make recommendations to the Court. Additionally, probation officers participate in Child and Family Teaming meetings (CFT) and Multi-Disciplinary Teaming meetings (MDT) with attorneys, DCFAS, UC Davis counselors, youth advocates and other providers connected to these cases.

Juvenile Justice Diversion and Treatment Program

The Juvenile Justice Diversion and Treatment Program (JJDTP) is a Full Service Partnership (FSP) of the Mental Health Services Act. The program is contracted FSP between BHS, Probation and River Oak Center for Children and was established to deliver integrated services to a population of youth involved with juvenile justice that have multiple complex needs cutting across service areas. To be eligible, youth must meet serious emotional disturbance criteria and be between the ages of 13-19 at the time of enrollment. Through the JJDTP, eligible youth and their families are provided with mental health screenings, assessments, intensive mental health services and FSP supports. Family and youth advocates complement clinical services. Eligible youth referred to the program are provided the opportunity to voluntarily receive intensive, evidence-based services delivered in coordination with a specialized probation officer. Youth referred to the program can voluntarily participate as long as clinically necessary or up to their 26th birthday. Program outcomes for youth include reduced psychiatric hospitalization, increased engagement in educational programs as well as reduced arrests and incarcerations.

JJDTP seeks to achieve the following five goals:

1.     Stabilize housing placements and reduce homelessness;

2.     Increase school attendance and achievement;

3.     Increase vocational training and employment;

4.     Reduce psychiatric​ hospitalizations; and

5.     Reduce juvenile detention and/or young adult incarceration.​

Age of Majority Unit

Age of Majority Unit (AOM) is a specialized field unit providing case management services and support to youth people ages 18-21 under the jurisdiction of the Juvenile Court. The target population includes youth adults who are not currently enrolled in High School or have already obtained their diploma. These young adults receive a Level of Service/Case Management Inventory (LS/CMI) assessment and case planning that includes referrals to services to meet identified needs. Referrals are focused on specialized treatment, education, vocational training, and other supports as needed, such as food and emergency housing. The goal of the AOM is to provide clients with assessment, treatment, supervision, and support necessary to promote rehabilitation and to prevent re-offending, resulting in a safer community.

Juveniles Who Sexually Offend (JSO) and Arson Unit​

Youth adjudicated for a violation of Penal Code §288, arson, or a reasonably related offense are placed on a specialized caseload. This caseload is managed by the JSO and Arson Unit in collaboration with treatment providers (when applicable) and the parent/legal guardian(s).

Sexually abusive justice-involved youth participate in outpatient treatment designed to reduce the likelihood of re-offense and promote prosocial development. These youth are provided multiple assessments to inform individualized treatment plans, treatment progress and timing of termination services. The treatment plans generally combine individual and group treatment sessions, relapse prevention strategies and family counseling to support successful program completion. Consistent with best practices, probation officers work in collaboration with treatment providers and families and maintain weekly contact to monitor each juvenile's progress, ensure their needs are being met and ensure they are in compliance with the terms and conditions of their probation.

Valley Oak Youth Academy - V.O.Y.A. (Formerly Division of Juvenile Justice DJJ) Reentry Reentry and Supervision Program​

V.O.Y.A Reentry and Supervision Program is a specialized unit for youth returning to the community from V.O.Y.A. At point of commitment, the probation officers and a V.O.Y.A Liaison begin an orientation phase wherein the youth are educated about what to expect at V.O.Y.A, how their program will progress, and the opportunities that lie therein. Three months prior to community re-entry, the assigned officer convenes a re-entry team to begin transition and case planning. The officer meets with the youth at V.O.Y.A and coordinates efforts with the Reentry team to include family if applicable. Upon reentry, the officer provides supervision, services and support to the youth in the areas of treatment, housing and education/vocation opportunities. Youth also meet with an eligibility specialist through partnership with the Probation's Adult Day Reporting Centers. 

Black Child Legacy Campaign (BCLC) - Joint County/Community Collaboration

In the spring of 2011, the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors received a 20-year report on Sacramento deaths for the period 1990-2009. The report included a consistent finding that African-American children in Sacramento County died at disproportionately higher rates when compared to children of other races.  In the fall of 2015, a strategic plan to reduce preventable African-American child deaths related to prenatal conditions, sudden infant death, abuse and neglect and third party homicide was presented by the Black Child Legacy Campaign (BCLC) Steering Committee and approved by the Board of Supervisors. The BCLC Steering Committee's subsequent implementation plan identified six core objectives, based on the principles outlined in the strategic plan. Probation Officers are embedded in the CIL-MDT community sites and collaborate with each incubator site to provide support, supervision and resources to youth participating in BCLC's prevention and intervention efforts.

Placement Services

4100 Branch Center Road                                          ​
Sacramento, CA 95827
Phone: (916) 875-0523
Fax: (916) 876-5320
(Driving Directions)

Placement Website Image.jpg Foster Youth Rights Hadbook.png

“The vision of Placement Services is that all youth in our care will be empowered, safe, healthy, and achieve timely permanency. We value consumer voice and choice, collaboration, trauma informed care, and the power of relationship." ~ Shaunda Cruz, Chief Deputy                  

Family maintenance is the primary goal of rehabilitation; however, there are circumstances wherein the Juvenile Court orders removal and entry into a Foster Care setting which may include a resource family or a short term residential therapeutic program (STRTP) within the State of CA.  The Probation Placement Services Division (Placement) is responsible for the supervision of these youth.

The children's services Continuum of Care Reform (CCR) efforts launched by the State in 2012 produced recommendations aimed at improving outcomes for youth removed from their homes and placed in congregate or foster care.  In 2015, Assembly Bill (AB) 403 was approved by the Governor to further CCR efforts.  Under the new law, group homes were restructured to comply with new licensure requirements to provide short-term specialized and intensive treatment and will only be used for children whose needs cannot be safely met initially in a family setting.  Services are designed to transition youth back home or to another permanent family as soon as possible.  All placement decisions utilize the Child and Family Teaming process.

The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) continues to introduce new standards to counties as information surrounding AB 403 evolves; Probation, in collaboration with juvenile system partners, continues to employ changes brought about by AB 403 as new information and standards are released. 

Consistent with the objectives of CCR and subsequent legislation the Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA) was signed into law as part of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018, Public Law (P.L.) 115-123 on February 9, 2018. FFPSA supports the use of evidence-based practices to promote the well-being of children, youth, and families and to prevent unnecessary foster care placements. FFPSA revised many sections of Title IV-B and IV-E of the Social Security Act, including federal payments for foster care and adoption assistance.

FFPSA Part IV implemented on October 1, 2021, seeks to enhance support services for families to help children remain at home and reduce the use of unnecessary congregate care placements by increasing options for prevention services, increased court oversight and aftercare requirements for placements, and heightens the requirements for congregate care placement settings. 

Current placement options and aftercare services are summarized below:

​Family Finding Model

Relative Placement​​​​

In-State Placement

In-State Placement focuses on placing youth in appropriate residential treatment facilities located within the State of California. Residential treatment facilitates must be designated as STRTPs in order to be utilized by Probation. 

Resource Family Recruitment

In California, Resource Family Approval (RFA) unifies the process of caregiver approval for children & youth in foster care. Probation utilizes Resource families to provide care for foster youth in a homelike setting either as an initial placement or after the youth completes treatment at an STRTP. 

Probation is recruiting Resource Families, formally referred to as foster families, for youth served by probation. A Resource Family provides a loving supportive home for a youth who is unable to return to their family home after completing congregate care treatment. The Resource Family and the youth in their care receive support from the Probation Resource Family Applicant Unit, the assigned probation officer, and a WRAP team. Additionally, the Resource Family receives a monthly stipend to assist with cost associated with caring for the youth. If you or anyone you know is interested in supporting a youth in reaching their full potential go to our website: FosterAYouth.net.

Foster Parent Recruitment, Retention and Support

Foster Parent Recruitment, Retention and Support (FPRRS) focus to recruit, retain and support foster caregivers through intensive family finding, removal of barriers, and other nontraditional outreach approaches to potential foster family homes, resource families, and relatives.  Our goal is to increase home-based care capacity of those willing to accept a placement youth served by Probation.  Officers' recruitment efforts include intensive family finding, community outreach, advertising, and social media campaigns.  On June 30, 2020, the State supported efforts sunset; however, Probation is committed to our FPPRS efforts to increase home-based care inventory as an initial placement or a step down. ​

Group Home Monitoring

In July 2011, Placement implemented a progressive group home auditing program. As the CDSS Community Care Licensing only requires group homes and STRTP audits within the State of California every five years, and outside California every year, Probation developed audit standards to protect youth and insulate the department from liability.  Placement officers audit group homes and STRTPs annually using high standards to ensure youth are safe and living in environments conducive to change that provide therapeutic, academic and recreational services consistent with case plans, and officers confirm the structure and supervision levels are appropriate.  This model is also used to review new programs seeking to receive referrals from Probation, when an allegations against the STRTP is made, or when incidents involving any resident occur. ​

Re-Entry Development for Youth (REDY-Go)

REDY-Go is intentional coordination for community transition and stabilization through a comprehensive assessment based on strengths and needs, development of individualized case and transition plan, community based service support and connection, and family engagement.  As youth transition from a placement setting, the re-entry process provides the necessary continuity of care addressing treatment needs and other factors that have the most significant impact on re-entry success.  ​

AB 12 (Extended Foster Care)         

Foster care provides resources for non-minor dependents (450 WI) or Extended Foster Care (EFC) youth whom would normally exit placement without any assistance, services or reunification with parents or legal guardians.  The goal of AB 12 is to ensure this population leaves foster care with the practical skills to achieve their potential and succeed in life.  The initiative focuses on providing a safety net of financial assistance, services and ongoing support to these young adults as they age out of foster care.  Placement currently has officers assigned to manage the unique challenges of this population by providing case management and supervision to these young adults as they transition to adulthood

Visit the California Department of Social Services  website for more information.

Family Urgent Response System (FURS)

FURS is a coordinated statewide, regional, and county-level system designed to provide collaborative and timely state-level phone-based response and county-level in-home, in-person mobile response during situations of instability, to preserve the relationship of the caregiver and the child or youth.

Visit California Family Urgent Response System (Cal-FURS) for more information.​​

Neighborhood Alternative Center (NAC)

The NAC provides prevention and early intervention services to at risk youth. For more information check out the Neighborhood Alternative Center webpage​.​