Professional Standards

The Professional Standards Division provides vital support to the Chief Probation Officer, as well as Juvenile and Adult Operations and employees, in accordance with the department's mission-vision. Professional Standards includes the following units:

  • Background Investigations
  • Communications
  • Fiscal Services
  • Internal Affairs, Policy & Compliance
  • Information Technology
  • Training
  • Administration

Background Investigations

The Background Investigations Unit has developed a multi-faceted hiring process to ensure the department hires well-qualified candidates for peace officer positions. The hiring process ensures candidates meet the minimum qualifications for a position, are physically able to do an entry-level job within the department and meet POST standards for peace officers. The hiring process is completed by all applicants and is applied uniformly to create an equal opportunity for every interested candidate. For open positions with the Probation department, please visit the Sacramento County ​​​​job opportunities webpage.


The Communications Unit is responsible for educating and strengthening relationships with the public through community engagement, Probation News distributions, the media, and social media. The unit also oversees the implementation of community outreach programs, recruitment of new hires, organizes department events, coordinates internships and volunteers, and responds to all public correspondence.  The Probation Department actively recruits potentially qualified candidates for employment through participation at job fairs, classroom presentations at local colleges, and tours at the Youth Detention Facility.

Fiscal Services

Fiscal Services is responsible for budget development, accounting, monitoring, contracts, grants, claiming, accounts payable / receivables, Requests for Proposals, and financial reports.

Fiscal Services monitors adherence to the annual budgeted amounts and prepares monthly expenditure and forecasting reports in preparation for the next fiscal year's budget season. Nearly 60% of Probation's funding comes from state, federal, and other outside revenue sources.  Fiscal Services assists with drafting grant applications, developing grant budgets, monitoring, and preparing quarterly and annual claims for all grants and other outside funding sources, and ensures all grant funds are expended within grant terms.

Fiscal Services manages over 100 different types of agreements with individuals, corporations, community-based organizations, and public and private agencies which provide professional services and direct treatment to clients, staff training, and other programming requirements.

Information Technology

The Information Technology (IT) Division serves Probation by providing technical and information systems support to the department. Technology improves the safety, accuracy and efficiency of operations while providing employees with the tools and information needed to make data driven decisions. IT staff maintain security systems to all of Probation's building locations, including our Youth Detention Facility – a 24-hour facility and provides radio, computer, and other telecommunications services and equipment to the department. IT also builds automated reports used for statistical analysis and data collection to improve operations.

Internal Affairs, Policy & Compliance

The Internal Affairs Unit staff are responsible for developing and reviewing policy and ensuring procedures for operations are efficient through comprehensive General and Operational Orders.  The Probation Department has a centralized Internal Affairs Unit, comprised of management personnel, who are responsible for investigating complaints against the Probation Department or employees. All members of the public seeking to file a complaint can complete a Citizen Complaint Form.


The Training Unit coordinates and conducts mandated training for sworn officers and Administrative Professionals to ensure a highly skilled and proficient workforce. The department participates in the Standards and Training for Corrections Program (STC). The Board of State and Community Corrections approves and certifies training curriculum and reimbursement is received for meeting minimum training requirements.  State mandated training requires 40 hours of certified training for all officers and 24 hours for officers assigned to the Youth Detention Facility (YDF).

In accordance with state standards, our department officers teach in-house certified courses such as Juvenile Corrections Officer CORE (JCO CORE), Probation Officer Transfer Academy, and PC 832 Laws and Arrest. Our officers complete a wide range of training relevant to their assignment, such as Academy Training, Firearms Training, Advanced Officer Training (AOT), Defensive Tactics (DT), and Scenario Based training.

The Training Team demonstrates a high level of instruction and ensures innovative ideas and practices are continuously developed to maintain a level of excellence.


The Administration unit is responsible for all personnel-related matters, such as hiring, promotions, assignment transfers, retirements and employee support. This unit handles property control, fleet, and fixed assets are key components which are accounted for and monitored. Additionally, the Administration unit is responsible for the Probation website, provide board support, and respond to Public Records Act requests; develop programs related to the submission of grant proposals and applications; prepare memorandums highlighting division impacts and operations; manage Probation facilities; assist in preparation of presentations for stakeholders and the community and provide critical data analysis.