Adult Field Services

​       ​   ​Edited sac_probation_leadership-627.jpg          ​  Adult Field Services
8745 Folsom Boulevard • Sacramento, CA  95826 • (916) 875-0300 • Fax: (916) 875-0203 ​• Directions 
Office Hours 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Monday - Friday​ Open During Lunch 


The Adult Field Division is responsible for the supervision of adult offenders sentenced to terms of traditional probation, Public Safety Realignment Post-Release Community Supervision, and Mandatory Supervision. Multi-agency task forces and specialized supervision units apply supervision strategies and rehabilitative programming that effectively address various types of offenders and crimes.​

Post-Release Community Supervision (PRCS) and Mandatory Supervision

In response to Assembly Bill (AB) 109 (Public Safety Realignment), the Probation Department (Probation) assumed responsibility for supervising offenders convicted of certain felony offenses upon their release from state prison, as well as those offenders no longer eligible for commitment to state prison. Officers assigned to supervise the PRCS and Mandatory Supervision caseloads are responsible for providing intensive proactive field supervision and connecting offenders with appropriate services in the community.​​

Family Violence Unit

The Family Violence Unit is tasked with the supervision of individuals granted probation for crimes involving family violence. Officers provide Batterers' Treatment Program​​​​​ ​(BTP) referral information to probation clients, monitor their progress in BTP counseling, and supervise clients within the community as specified by their probation conditions. Additionally, the Family Violence Unit is charged with the annual audits and re-certification of BTP providers.  ​For more information please see the Batterer's Program Standards and Procedures.​​

Gang Intelligence Unit

Probation's Gang Intelligence Unit is recognized as one of the most experienced and knowledgeable law enforcement units specializing in gang activity within Sacramento County. The Gang Intelligence Unit works closely with the Sacramento Sheriff's Office, the Sacramento Police Department, the District Attorney's Office, and other law enforcement agencies in a joint effort to prevent and intervene in gang-related activity. Officers assigned to the gang unit actively supervise high-risk gang members who are under Probation supervision in the community.

High Risk Probation Unit

The High Risk Probation (HRP) unit provides intensive supervision to high-risk adult, felony clients. The HRP unit utilizes a risk-based supervision system where all clients are screened using the LSCMI assessment tool to determine their risk level and treatment needs. All HRP clients receive a supervision plan with clearly articulated goals. Clients are initially assigned to the most intensive level of supervision in the community. Clients who demonstrate law-abiding behavior and compliance with their Court ordered conditions are eligible to transition to a less restrictive level of supervision consisting of office visits followed by the least restrictive level of supervision which is web-based reporting. The duration of each level of supervision in the risk-based supervision system is approximately 8 months.

Interstate Compact

The Interstate Compact (ISC) unit maintains compliance with state laws regulating the movement of offenders between states. Officers assigned to the ISC unit coordinate with the Interstate Commission for Adult Offender Supervision to provide supervision for clients who meet specific criteria to move out of state. The ISC unit also provides supervision for clients granted probation in other states who now reside in Sacramento County. ​​ 

General Supervision

The General Supervision unit includes two officers assigned to supervise the transient PRCS population who are on GPS within the community, and they also provide resources and referrals for clients experiencing homelessness and in need of emergency housing.

The General Supervision unit also includes three (3) officers who are assigned to supervise office caseloads, two officers supervise clients who have been determined to be moderate risk to re-offend and one officer supervises a caseload of high-risk probation clients who report to the Folsom Blvd Office.

Office of Traffic Safety/Driving Under the Influence Unit

The Office of Traffic Safety/Driving Under the Influence (OTS/DUI) unit, supported by grant funds from the Office of Traffic Safety, intensively monitors clients on probation for felony DUI convictions or multiple DUI convictions. Probation officers assigned to the OTS/DUI unit provide community supervision, conduct probation searches, and administer random alcohol and drug tests to ensure compliance with probation conditions.

Sexual Assault Felony Enforcement Unit

The Sexual Assault Felony Enforcement (SAFE) unit participates in a multi-jurisdictional task force comprised of several local law enforcement partners. Probation officers assigned to the SAFE unit supervise all adult sex offenders and ensure they are in compliance with their probation conditions. Officers also perform client risk assessments and monitor counseling and treatment progress.  

Rancho Cordova Probation Partnership

Probation has partnered with Code Enforcement, Animal Control, and the Rancho Cordova Police Department to create a specialized team that uses a code-enforcement approach to address issues in the city of Rancho Cordova. Officers supervise caseloads of high-risk clients who reside within Rancho Cordova. In 2013, this partnership won the "Most Innovative Program" award from the California Association of Code Enforcement Officers. 

Investigations & Supervision Unit

The primary mission of officers assigned to the Investigations & Supervision Unit (ISU) is to process all Court referrals related to section 29810 of the Penal Code and conduct follow-up investigations.  Additionally, ISU initiates new criminal investigations for prosecution in order to locate illegally possessed firearms by individuals who are typically under the supervision of Probation. ISU officers supervise high-risk caseloads of offenders who are predominately convicted for possession of firearms, weapons, sales of narcotics and violent crimes.

K-9 Unit

The Probation Canine Unit which includes two highly trained canines and their dedicated handlers are part of our continued efforts to enhance safety, compliance, and support in our community. Both canines are extensively trained in the detection of narcotics, firearms, and marijuana. These specialized skills support probation operations by conducting contraband searches and ensuring safer environments for all.

​Sacramento County Auto Theft Suppression Task Force

Funded partially by Department of Motor Vehicles registration fees, the Sacramento County Auto Theft Suppression Task Force (SAC-CATS) team is a partnership involving Probation, California Highway Patrol, and other law enforcement agencies. The SAC-CATS team conducts surveillance, suppression, and investigation of crimes associated with vehicle theft. The Probation officer assigned to SAC-CATS intensively supervises a high-risk caseload of vehicle theft offenders.  

Sacramento Valley Hi-Tech Crimes Task Force

This multi-agency team combines the expertise of approximately 30 law enforcement partners, including one probation officer. The mission of the task force is to investigate, track, and prosecute those individuals engaged and participating in cyber related crimes, including identity theft/white collar crime; organized crime; unauthorized access to computer systems; online child enticements; and the possession, distribution, and manufacturing of child pornography.

California Multi-Jurisdictional Methamphetamine Enforcement Team Task Force

The California Multi-Jurisdictional Methamphetamine Enforcement Team (Cal-MMET) is a partnership between the Sacramento Sheriff's Office and Probation. Cal-MMET's goal is to identify, disrupt, and dismantle methamphetamine and other drug trafficking organizations in the Sacramento region. The probation officer assigned to Cal-MMET maintains and monitors a caseload of clients placed on supervision for drug offenses. 

The Sacramento County Sheriff's Department Gang Suppression Task Force (GSU)

A deputy probation officer from the Adult Field Services Gang Unit is assigned to the Sheriff's Office multi-agency Gang Suppression Task Force. The GSU Task Force works in the effort to suppress gang related crimes and address mounting public concerns throughout the county. The GSU Task Force coordinates with local prosecutors to deter, investigate and prosecute local gang related crimes. The probation officer assigned to the GSU Task Force supervises a caseload of validated gang members in the community.​