Contact Us


Probation Divisions

Listed below are the addresses and phone numbers for the Probation Department Divisions. 

Administrative Services​​

8745 Folsom Boulevard
Sacramento, CA  95826 

General Information
Phone: (916)  875-0273

(Driving Directions)

Chief Probation Officer
Fiscal, Accounting & Budget
Phone: (916) 875-0310
Fax: (916) 875-0347​ 
Fax: (916) 875-0276 (Chief)​


8745 Folsom Boulevard
Sacramento, CA  95826  
Phone: (916)  875-0300

(Driving Directions)

Personnel/Background Investigations
Communications and Media
Policy & Compliance
Phone: (916) 875-0273
Fax: (916) 875-0203

Internal Affairs
Phone: (916) 876-8836
Fax: (916) 875-4755

Live Scan
Phone: (916) 875-1381

Human Resources
Phone: (916) 875-1300
Fax: (916) 875-1206 

Victim Restitution
Phone: (916) 874-1500 (Adult)
Phone: (916) 875-5278 (Juvenile)


​Adult Services

Adult Court Services
711 E Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 874-1500
(Driving Directions)

Adult Field and
Community Corrections
8745 Folsom Boulevard
Sacramento, CA 95826
Phone: (916) 875-0300
Fax: (916) 875-0203 
OPEN M-F, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
(Driving Directions)

Central Adult Day Reporting Center
8745 Folsom Boulevard
Sacramento, CA 95826
Phone: (916) 875-2372
Fax: (916) 875-0205 

North Adult Day Reporting Center
8745 Folsom Boulevard
Sacramento, CA 95826
Phone: (916) 875-2372
Fax: (916) 875-0205 ​​

South Adult Day Reporting Center
7300 Lincolnshire Drive
Sacramento, CA 95823
Phone: (916) 876-4041
Fax: (916) 854-9359

Recovery Court
8745 Folsom Boulevard
Sacramento, CA 95826
Phone: (916) 875-1171

Community Outreach Unit
Phone: (916) 875-0200  Hours of Operation:          Tuesday-Friday 8am-4pm

Juvenile Services

Juvenile Hall
Youth Detention Facility
9601 Kiefer Boulevard
Sacramento, CA  95827
Phone: (916) 875-6996
Fax: (916) 875-51​96 

Phone: (916) 874-2777
(Driving Directions)

Juvenile Court Services
4100 Branch Center Road
Sacramento, CA 95827
Phone: (916) 875-6868
Fax: (916) 875-4206
(Driving Directions)

Juvenile Court Resources

Phone: (916) 875-4202​​

Fax: (916) 875-4206

​​Juvenile Field Services
4000 Branch Center Road
Sacramento, CA 95827
Phone: (916) 875-4600
Fax: (916) 875-4605            Hours of Operation:            8:00 AM - 4:45 PM  
(Driving Directions)

4100 Branch Center Road
Sacramento, CA 95827
Phone: (916) 875-0523
Fax: (916) 876-5320            Hours of Operation:            8:00 AM - 4:45 PM
(Driving Directions)

AB1299 Presumptive Transfer
Edward Fong
Phone: (916) 875-4161

Contact Probation by E-mail

If you have an emergency, call 911. If you are reporting a new crime, contact the Sheriff’s Department or your local police department.

The Probation Department e-mail address is however, this e-mail account is not continuously monitored and your e-mail may not be reviewed for several days.  To ensure your email receives the appropriate response, please provide your name and your phone number in the e-mail. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU PROVIDE YOUR NAME AND CURRENT PHONE NUMBER in your message.

Please select one of the links for more information about our most frequent requests:

Find Your Prob​ation​ Officer​​​

​​​​​​​​​Not sure who your probation officer is?​​​​​

Call (916) 874-PROB (7762) and follow the automated directions. Note: You must use a touch-tone phone and have your X-reference number to access this system.​​

Not sure where to report?​​​​​​​​

Adults: Call (916) 875-0300 and a Probation representative will direct your call. Be prepared to provide personal information to confirm your identification. Please be sure to provide a current address and phone number. You will have received verbal instructions in court to report in person to Probation within 48 hours of being sentenced if you are not returning to custody. The same information will be in your written court orders you received at your sentencing. If you are in custody and serving time in jail, you must report to Probation within 48 hours of being released. Unless instructed otherwise, adults report to:

8745 Folsom Boulevard
Sacramento, CA 95826
Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday, 8:00 ​AM - 4:00 PM (Closed on Holidays)​

Juveniles: Call (916) 875-4600 and a Probation representative will direct your call. Be prepared to provide personal information to confirm your identification. Please be sure to provide a current address and phone number. You will have received verbal instructions in court to report in person to Probation directly after court disposition. The same information will be in your written court orders you received at your disposition hearing if you are placed on formal probation. If you are in custody post disposition, you must report to Probation directly after being released. Unless instructed otherwise, juveniles report to:

4000 Branch Center Road
Sacramento, CA 95827
Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:45 PM

Media Inquiries/Press Releases

Jereme Dick, Assistant Probation Division Chief​
(916) 875-0214

Department Organizational Chart

View the department's current Organization​​al C​​hart​​.​​ 

​For more contact information, please visit our  Homepage Links​ page​​