The Adult Community Corrections (ACC) Division is comprised of six collaborative courts, three Adult Day Reporting Center (ADRC) programs, two Screening/Intake/and Assessment (SIA) Units, and the Community Outreach Unit (COU). The ADRC and collaborative court programs provide community-based treatment and supervision as an alternative to incarceration. These programs offer risk/needs assessments, case management, community supervision, group/individual counseling, cognitive behavioral treatment, drug/alcohol treatment, job training, and education programs. The SIA Units provide risk/needs assessments and service referrals for AB-109 and probation clients who have recently been released from state prison or county jail and are under the supervision of the Probation Department (Probation). The COU organizes adult community cleanup crews to assist probation clients in earning money towards victim restitution. Community cleanup crews are also utilized as sanctions in lieu of incarceration.
Probation partners with a variety of intensive residential treatment and transitional sober living services for male and female clients.
Probation contracts with the Department of Health Services for registered nurses to provide services and/or linkages to healthcare services based on the client's identified needs.
Probation contracts with the Department of Behavioral Health Services to provide mental health assessment and treatment as well as linkages to community services based on the client's identified needs.
Department of Human Assistance (DHA) provides on-site Human Services Specialists to support clients with applying for benefits administered by DHA and make referrals to other eligibility programs (General Assistance, Medi-Cal, Cal-Fresh, Social Security, Veteran's Benefits, CalWorks, and Employment Services).
Correctional Health Services provides on-site support to clients to connect them with health care services, including medical, dental, and vision.
Jail Diversion Treatment and Resource Center - New County Initiative
The Board of Supervisors recently authorized the Probation Department to accept funding from the California Health Facility Financing Authority Community Services Infrastructure (CHFFA CSI) Grant Program. The CHFFA CSI grant, totaling $1,690,542, will be used to establish a Jail Diversion Treatment and Resource Center (JDTRC).
The County is using the grant funds to renovate 5,591 square feet of the first floor of 711 G Street, which is in close proximity to the Main Jail and the Sacramento Superior Court.
This project will create a comprehensive resource center for Misdemeanor Mental Health Diversion Court participants 18 years and older who are living with mental illness and/or co-occurring substance use disorder, and/or suffering from trauma. Most importantly, the project will divert individuals from jails and prisons towards mental health treatment, substance use disorder treatment, and trauma-centered services on-site and in the community.
The JDTRC will provide an easily accessible, one-stop location for community-based, individualized support services and linkage to services for adult individuals. Participants will be able to receive a myriad of services including:
- Mental health evaluations and linkage to services
- Onsite therapeutic classes
- Referrals to community-based service providers
- Contact with a probation officer
- Onsite meetings with legal representation
Probation, acting as the lead agency for the County, began working on the CHFFA CSI Grant application in March of 2019. CHFFA's Board selected Sacramento County to receive the grant in March of 2020. While the project's timeline was greatly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting stay at home order, progress on the JDTRC project has continued.
The JDTRC is anticipated to be open to the public in January 2022.
Click here for more information and updates about the JDTRC.
Adult Day Reporting Center
Since July 20, 2010, Probation has operated Adult Day Reporting Center (ADRC) programs designed to address the individual needs of participants through the utilization of intensive on-site therapeutic interventions. To reduce transportation barriers and encourage participation, Probation conveniently located the three ADRC programs in the north, south, and central communities of Sacramento County where the populations of Probation clients are the highest. ADRC program participants are criminal justice-involved clients, 18 years of age or older, with a moderate- to high-risk to reoffend.
At the client's initial intake, probation officers screen program candidates using the validated Level of Service/Case Management Inventory (LS/CMI) assessment tool to determine the client's criminogenic risks and areas of need. Those accepted into the program are provided an individualized treatment plan developed by a Multidisciplinary Team to set goals, build upon strengths, and address criminogenic risks and needs identified through the intake assessment process. The majority of treatment plans require nine to twelve months of participation and include a combination of cognitive behavioral treatment interventions, substance misuse treatment, self-help courses, educational programming, connections to housing, and vocational assistance. Clients also receive family support services, participate in pro-social activities, and pay victim restitution through the Community Outreach Program. Targeted interventions occur at the earliest period of supervision when the risk of recidivism is highest and strengthen the participant's ability to live independently and succeed in the community by maintaining a crime and substance-free lifestyle.
Elk Grove Adult and Community Education and Sacramento County Office of Education provides education programming for clients to earn their High School Equivalency Credential or General Equivalency Diploma.
Northern California Construction Training provides a vocational training program on the basic components of construction work for clients to receive career technical training and job opportunities.
B Street Theatre co-facilitates with treatment providers to provide services to adult clients. The program utilizes role-playing to improve confidence as well as social and presentation skills.
Screening, Intake and Assessment Units
Screening, Intake, and Assessment (SIA) units were established to process all new cases referred by the Court to probation and state prison for probation supervision. Officers assigned to the SIA Unit conduct interviews with Post-Release Community Supervision (PRCS), Mandatory Supervision (MS), and formal probation clients before and after their release from custody. Prior to meeting with clients, officers review information regarding the case, including crime reports, protective orders, criminal history, court documents, and the results of the Washington Department of Corrections Static Risk Assessment. At the client's initial intake, probation officers screen individuals using the validated, dynamic Level of Service/Case Management Inventory (LS/CMI) assessment tool to determine their criminogenic risks and areas of need. During the interview, officers review general and special terms and conditions of supervision and make appropriate referrals as necessary. As part of the intake process, clients are seen by a Human Services Specialist, a Registered Nurse, and a Senior Mental Health Clinician. These resources are critical in linking clients to services such as Medi-Cal, General Assistance, CalFresh, mental health, medical, and drug and alcohol treatment. In addition, clients receive information about employment, vocational training, construction pre-apprenticeship programs, and education opportunities (GED or enrollment in community colleges). Once the screening and intake process is complete, clients are transferred to the appropriate level of supervision.
Community Outreach Unit
The Community Outreach Unit oversees work crews that complete meaningful tasks in the community four days per week. Through existing contracts with various local agencies, Regional Parks, Waste Management and Recycling, the City of Rancho Cordova, General Services, and Department of Transportation, work crew participants are able to make payments toward victim restitution or fines balances for each workday completed. The work is often completed in the neighborhoods in which the participants live or frequent, and provides opportunities for learning new skills and/or experiencing community restoration. Community Outreach is used as an intermediate sanction as part of a requirement for the ADRC Program, or participants may volunteer if they have outstanding restitution.
Collaborative Courts
Recovery Court
Since 1995, the Sacramento County Adult Recovery Court program (formerly referred to as Drug Court) has been an effective, evidence-based solution to addiction and criminal behavior. People arrested for non-violent drug-related offenses or certain property crimes have the opportunity to enter Recovery Court. Upon acceptance into Recovery Court, clients will participate in the program at the Recovery Treatment Center (RTC). The program has four levels and lasts approximately 8 - 12 months. The RTC provides on-site intensive outpatient drug/alcohol treatment; individual and group counseling; family counseling; nutrition; yoga; pro-social activities; mental health services; frequent drug testing; and probation supervision in the community. The RTC offers referrals to detox, residential, and sober living environments for clients who qualify. The Multi-Disciplinary Recovery Court Team monitors and supervises the clients throughout the duration of the program and prepares weekly reports for the Judge. If participants do not comply with the program, they can be subject to a variety of sanctions (i.e. court observations, Community Outreach work hours, or incarceration). Upon graduation from the program, charges may be dismissed or probation terminated. If participants do not successfully complete the program, they are returned to custody to serve their suspended sentence.
In January 2020, the Recovery Court Unit opened its doors to allow for the expansion of services to include clients on the various probation field caseloads who have previously not been afforded the opportunity to participate in such treatment. The expansion of the program provides substance abuse treatment and facilitates the rehabilitation for these clients. The objective of the RTC is to eliminate the clients' substance abuse issues, including marijuana and alcohol. In doing so, it is Probation's goal that problems associated with chemical dependency are eradicated, including, but not limited to, future contact with the criminal justice system. For more information, please visit Recovery Court Intakes.
As an expansion of services of the RTC, Probation established the first Peer Partner Advocate Program (PPA) in July 2021. The primary function of the PPA is to serve as a role model, provide peers with support and sense of community and belonging. Through advocacy and support, the PPA will help clients build the skills and ability to stay engaged in the recovery process and reduce the likelihood of relapse. PPA staff identify and build on strengths and empower clients to choose for themselves, recognizing that there are multiple pathways to recovery.
WellSpace Health provides drug treatment services for substance abuse clients ordered by the Superior Court to participate in the Adult Recovery Court program.
Community Realignment Re-Entry Court
Community Realignment Re-Entry Court (Re-Entry Court) was formed in 2013 as a result of Assembly Bill 109, Public Safety Realignment, under which many offenders who would normally be sentenced to prison were instead sentenced to county jail. Moderate to high-risk offenders who are accepted are placed on probation while their State Prison or County Jail Prison sentence is suspended pending program completion. Each participant must complete Probation's Adult Day Reporting Center (ADRC) program while also being monitored by the Superior Court. Probation officers supervise the clients throughout the duration of the program and prepare weekly reports for the Superior Court. Subsequent to graduating from an ADRC program, participants are eligible for graduation from Re-Entry Court. Upon Re-Entry Court graduation, the suspended sentence is removed, and the probation period is reduced if clients have paid off victim restitution.
Proposition 36
The Proposition 36 program was designed for non-violent drug offenders. Prop 36 aims to enhance public safety by reducing drug-related crime, thereby preserving needed bed space in jails and prisons for serious and violent offenders. The treatment and education for the program is paid for by the participant or provided through county Substance Use Prevention and Treatment. Probation prepares progress reports and attends weekly court sessions. If a client successfully completes the program, their plea is withdrawn, and the case is dismissed, terminating probation. If a client does not complete the program, they remain on probation and can possibly be referred to Recovery Court. If they are not eligible for Recovery Court, their County Jail or State Prison sentence may be imposed.
Veterans' Treatment Court
Launched in July 2014, the Veterans' Treatment Court (VTC) is designed to enable clients convicted of felonies and/or misdemeanors, who suffer from qualifying disorders due to military service, to receive alternative sentencing, comprehensive monitored rehabilitative services, and mental health treatment in lieu of other traditional sentencing options pursuant to Penal Code section 1170.9. The VTC is a collaborative program that includes the Probation Department, District Attorney's Office, Public Defender's Office, Sacramento Superior Court, Sacramento County Veteran's Service Office, California Veterans Legal Task Force, and the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Probation officers attend bi-weekly Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) meetings and court sessions. In addition, Probation meets with clients in the office and supervises them in the community. Participants are placed on formal probation and are required to make regular court appearances. They must agree to participate in the VTC for 12 to 18 months and undergo a treatment program designed and provided by the VA. Upon successful completion, the client's probation could be reduced or terminated, their term of incarceration could be permanently suspended, or their case could be dismissed.
Please visit for information on the signs and symptoms of mental health challenges, descriptions of research-based treatment options, and veterans' own inspiring stories of recovery.
Mental Health Treatment Court
The Mental Health Treatment Court (MHTC) program operates collaboratively with members from the Superior Court, District Attorney's Office, Public Defender's Office, Probation Department, Behavioral Health Division, and Substance Use Prevention and Treatment Division. Probation attends weekly MDT meetings and court sessions. In addition, officers meet with clients in the office and supervise them in the community. The program's objective is to assist offenders with addressing their mental health and substance abuse issues through medication, therapy, and inpatient or outpatient treatment to reduce recidivism and mental health hospitalizations. Upon successful completion, the suspended county jail time is lifted, and the participant's formal probation may be terminated. If no victim restitution is owed, the case may be dismissed. If participants do not complete their requirements, their county jail term will be imposed, and they will remain on probation.
Driving Under the Influence Treatment Court
In November 2017, the Probation Department, in partnership with the Superior Court, District Attorney's Office, Public Defender's Office, Sheriff's Office, and the Department of Health and Human Services, developed and implemented a comprehensive Driving Under the Influence Treatment Court (DUITC). DUITC targets high-risk, repeat DUI offenders. Probation officers meet with clients in the office and supervise them in the community. In addition, they attend bi-weekly Multi-Disciplinary Team meetings and court sessions. The goals of the program are to keep the communities safe and to reduce recidivism among the DUI repeat offenders. This voluntary program utilizes the Recovery Court model, strives to change the offenders' thinking and behaviors around substance use, and holds them accountable by offering treatment, supervision, and frequent court appearances. The program can take up to 18 months to complete. To successfully complete the program, participants must fulfill all requirements of their treatment plan, complete their jail sanction, complete the Senate Bill 38 Alcohol and Other Drugs education program, and pay any fees or restitution owed. 
Central Adult Day North Adult Day South Adult Day Reporting Center Reporting Center Reporting Center
8745 Folsom Blvd. Temporarily Relocated 7300 Lincolnshire Drive
Sacramento, CA 95826 to Central Adult Day Sacramento, CA 95823
Phone: (916) 875-2372 Reporting Center Phone: (916) 876-4041
Fax: (916) 854-9391 Fax: (916) 854-9359