Interim Chief Probation Officer Julie Wherry

ACPOJulieWherryIn December 2024, Julie Wherry was appointed as Interim Chief Probation Officer.  She started employment as a Probation Aide assigned to the Youth Detention Facility and over two decades, acquired extensive ​experience in court and field operations, program and policy implementation, facility management and expansion, enhancing department training, media communications, and personnel relations.

Chief Wherry is well versed in the planning, implementation, and operations of the Adult Day Reporting Centers, and is committed to holding individuals accountable, yet also values alternatives to incarceration to reduce harm while providing support and stability to clients and their families.

Current social and justice initiatives within her oversight include operation of the Pre-Trial Release and Monitoring program, a transition to provide risk-based assessments on individuals in custody to be considered for release in lieu of a release system based on wealth.   Further, as an alternative to incarceration, a capital grant-funded project currently underway will provide mental health treatment, substance-use disorder treatment, and trauma-centered services at the Sacramento County Jail Diversion Treatment Resource Center. 

Chief Wherry values collaboration, empowerment, innovative ideas, efficient processes, continuous improvement, and data outcomes. She is a wife and mother to three children, an advocate of equal rights and creating opportunities, and has empathy for those who suffer heartache and loss, as personally experienced when a drunk driver killed her younger sister.  Raised in Sacramento, she is a California State University, Sacramento (CSUS) graduate and a member of the CSUS Criminal Justice Advisory Committee. ​​​​