Home > Resources & Links
Department-wide directives signed by the Chief Probation Officer that apply to all department staff.
Acceptance of Gifts and Gratuities
Access to Automated Record Systems
Arming and Firearms
Bus Passes
Canine Handler
Carry Concealed Weapon (CCW) Endorsement Retired Probation Officer
Conducted Energy Weapons
Conflicts of Interest
Counseling Memos
Discharged Firearm
Disclosure of Records-Reports and Information
DMV Confidentiality of Home Address
Dress Code and Personal Appearance
Emergency Contact - Employee Address and Telephone Number
Emergency Lighting - Auditory Identifier
Employee Commendations
Employee Development and Training
Employee Recognition Program
Event Reporting
Fitness For Duty
Foreign National Consular GO
Gift Cards
Indemnification and Defense
Mandatory Reporting Child Abuse
Mandatory Reporting Dependent and Elder Abuse
Media Contacts and Access
Military Equipment
Modified Duty
Peace Officer Conduct
Peer Support Program
Petty Cash
Pharmaceutical Medication Surrender Bin
Procurement Card
Property - Lost Damaged or Stolen
Oleoresin Capsicum
Sexual Harassment
Smoking Prohibitions
Social Media Personal Use
Time Off
Transportation of Adults and Minors
Unmanned Aerial System (UAS)
Use of Force General Order 2022
Voting Rights for Persons with Prior Felony Conviction and Youth in Custody
Wallet and Belt Badges
Youth Community Outreach Unit
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