General Orders

​Department-wide directives signed by the Chief Probation Officer that apply to all department staff.

Acceptance of Gifts and Gratuities

Access to Automated Record Systems

Arming and Firearms

Bus Passes​

Canine Handler​

Carry Concealed Weapon (CCW) Endorsement Retired Probation Officer​​​​​​

Conducted Energy Weapons​​​​​

Conflicts of Interest

Counseling Memos

Discharged Firearm

Disclosure of Records-Reports and Information


DMV Confidentiality of Home Address

Dress Code and Personal Appearance

Emergency Contact - Employee Address and Telephone Number

Emergency Lighting - Auditory Identifier​

Employee Commendations

Employee Development and Training

Employee Recognition Program​

Event Reporting

Fitness For Duty

Foreign National Consular GO​

Gift Cards​


Indemnification and Defense

Mandatory Reporti​ng C​hild​ Abuse​

Mandatory Reporting Dependent and Elder Abuse

Me​dia Contacts and Access

Military Equipment

Modified Duty

Peace Officer Conduct

Peer Support Program

Petty Cash​​

Pharmaceutical Medication Surrender Bin​

Procurement Card​

Property - Lost Damaged or Stolen

​Oleoresin Capsicum​

Sexual Harassment 

Smoking Prohibitions

Social Media Personal Use​

Time Off

Transportation of Adults and Minors

Unmanned Aerial System (UAS)​​

Use of Force General Order 2022​

Voting Rights for Persons with Prior Felony Conviction and Youth in Custody​

Wallet and Belt Badges

Youth Community Outreach Unit