Fiscal Services Division provides all accounting services for the Probation
Department. This includes development
and monitoring of annual budgets and contracts as well as procuring all goods
and services required to operate Probation programs. Fiscal Services also ensures Probation maintains secured funding
resources through both general fund and outside revenue sources. Fiscal Services is staffed with 11 positions to support the duties described above.
Budget Development and Monitoring
For Fiscal Year 2019-20, the Probation
Department’s overall approved budget is approximately $161 million and includes over
fifty separate cost centers for tracking expenditures. Budget development is a continuous work in
progress, taking months of research, analysis, and review. The budget process also requires a close
working relationship with the County Executive’s Office before the annual
budget is approved by the County Board of Supervisors. Once the final budget is approved in
September, Fiscal Services monitors adherence to the annual budgeted amounts
and prepares monthly expenditure and forecasting reports in preparation for the
next fiscal year’s budget season.

Fiscal Services negotiates, drafts, and
manages over 100 different types of agreements with individuals,
corporations, community-based organizations and public and private agencies which
provide professional services and direct treatment to clients, staff training,
and other programming requirements. Fiscal
Services ensures compliance with County codes and policies governing procedures
for service contracts, including the Probation Department's contracting
authority, requirements for conducting Requests for Proposals (RFPs), and all other
elements involved in the contract process. Fiscal Services also monitors
contract expenditures to ensure spending stays within contract limits and
services are provided in accordance with each agreement’s terms and conditions.
Grant Monitoring and Claiming
Nearly 60% of Probation’s funding comes from
state, federal, and other outside revenue sources. Fiscal Services assists
with drafting grant applications, developing grant budgets, monitoring and
preparing quarterly and annual claims for all grants and other outside funding
sources, and ensures all grant funds are expended within grant terms.
Accounts Payable/Receivable
Fiscal Services submits purchase orders and processes
payments for all invoices for goods and services required for the daily operation
of the Probation Department. Fiscal
Services staff act as liaisons between vendors and County Contract and Purchasing
Services, creating contract and purchasing requisitions as required by certain
contracts. Fiscal Services is also responsible
for petty cash disbursement, replenishment and reconciliation, and the management
of County fleet vehicles assigned to the Probation Department, including purchasing,
maintaining, licensing and registration, and removing vehicles from service.
Financial Reports
Fiscal Services generates financial reports for both
internal and external customers including auditors, department managers, and County
Executive Office analysts through regularly-established reporting timelines (monthly/quarterly/annually)
as well as on an as-needed basis. Reports
are also provided in response to Public Records Act requests. To provide the most accurate and timely data
available, Fiscal Services analyzes information maintained in the County’s
financial management and accounting system and in our internal spreadsheets.