​Sacramento County JJCC Realignment Subcommittee

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​Sacramento County JJCC Realignment Subcommittee - Valley Oak Youth Academy (VOYA)

handshake-2009195_1920.pngIn September 2020, Senate Bill 823 was signed into law. The signing of this bill initiates the closure of the California Department of Rehabilitation Division of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) and shifts those resources to counties to supervise and deliver services to youth who are in conflict with the law. Senate Bill 823 tasks each county with the responsibility of creating a local DJJ Realignment Plan.

The Sacramento County Juvenile​ Justice Coordinating Council (JJCC)​ is responsible for establishing the JJCC Realignment Subcommittee, which is tasked with the development of Sacramento County's SB 823 DJJ Realignment Plan to create the Valley Oak Youth Academy (VOYA) (per Welfare and Institutions Code 1995).

Sight and Sound Separation​​ ​
Secure Youth Treatment Facility Baseline Term

Current Meeting Information

​JJCC Realignment Subcommittee    

Date: April 15, 2025

Time: 2:00 PM

Location: Sacramento Area Sewer District 10060 Goethe Road Sac, Ca 95827 - Sunset Maple Conference Room​ 

Meeting Format: In-person. Public online access through Zoom Webinar​​.​​

Public Comment: Members of the public may attend in person to provide comments or send a written comment via email to the meeting coordinator at least 72 hours prior to the meeting start time.

Agenda ​& Materials​​​​​   

  • Agenda​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
  • Meeting Minutes​​​​​ - From 01/21/25​​​​​​​​​​​

Future Meeting Information​​​

Past Meeting​ In​formation​​​​​​​​​​

2024-2025 Juvenile Justice Realignment Block Grant Annual Plan- FINAL​

​​Past Juvenile Justice Realignment Block Grant Annual Plans

Current Contracts of Services for Youth​


JJCC Realignment Subcommittee 

Membership Information

Subcommittee Membership Roster​​​​​​

Membership Requirements

Contact JJCC Realignment Subcommittee Staff for Information: 

Zyanya Perez, 916-875-0320


Brown Act Training

Institute for Local Government Brown Act Webinar

Acknowledgement Form

Provide Services to Probation Clients

Individuals and organizations interested in providing services to Probation clients should monitor the County's Current Bidding Opportunities​ website and the Probation public website for updates and information on the Valley Oak Youth Academy (VOYA) program. Interested parties may also contact the Probation Fiscal Unit at PROB-Procurement@saccounty.net (please include "DJJ Realignment" in the subject line of your email).

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​JJCC Subcommittee Information