Victims of Juvenile Offenders

Statements and restitution requests are taken from victims of juvenile offenders at the beginning of the Juvenile Court process for intake and social study reports. In fact, victims of a juvenile offender may be contacted by a Probation Officer immediately after the juvenile has been arrested.

Within days of the arrest and initial intake report, the Probation Department prepares a social study report, which includes both the victim impact  statement and request for restitution. Probation will send you information about the report  via postal mail.  Victim statements should indicate feelings at the time the crime was committed; losses and/or harm suffered resulting from the crime; information concerning the defendant and his/her character; and feelings regarding a suitable sentence.

Restitution claims must be submitted within 45 days from receipt of the request in order to be considered during the disposition (sentencing) of the juvenile. After 45 days, or if restitution cannot be determined at sentencing, and as long as the juvenile is on probation, you may still be eligible for compensation; however, you must still provide a claim and supporting documentation. Once received, Probation can request a hearing so the Court can set an amount and collection can begin.

If you need assistance or have questions about the forms, contact the officer listed on your letter our call Juvenile Probation at (916) 875-6868.

For more information visit Probation's Victims of Juvenile Offenders page and Probation's Juvenile Court Victim and Restitution Services​​ page.