Drug Court
Since 1995, the Sacramento County Adult Drug Court program has been an effective, evidence-based solution to addiction and criminal behavior. People arrested on a non-violent drug-related offense who plead guilty to their charges have the opportunity to enter the Drug Court Program on formal probation with their jail or prison sentence stayed. The participants return to Court on a regular basis and the Judge reviews their progress. The program provides on-site treatment and counseling; nutrition; yoga; mental health services; frequent drug testing; and probation supervision in the community. If participants graduate from the program, charges are dismissed. If participants do not comply with requirements of the treatment program, they are returned to custody to serve their full sentence.
Community Realignment Re-Entry Court (Re-Entry Court)
Re-Entry Court was formed in 2013 as a result of AB 109, Public Safety Realignment, under which many offenders who would normally be sentenced to prison are instead sentenced to county jail. Moderate to high risk offenders who are accepted are placed on Probation while their County Jail Prison (CJP) sentence is suspended pending program completion. Each participant must complete Probation’s Adult Day Reporting Center (ADRC) program while also being monitored by the Court. After ADRC graduation, the Court monitors participants for several more months until deemed a successful graduate. Upon Re-Entry Court graduation, the suspended sentence is removed and their probation period is reduced if they have paid off victim restitution.
Proposition 36
The Proposition 36 program aims to enhance public safety by reducing drug-related crime thereby preserving needed bed space in jails and prisons for serious and violent offenders. Probation officers act as liaison with the Court, prepare progress reports, and represent the Department at weekly court sessions.
Veterans' Treatment Court (VTC)
Launched in July 2014, the VTC is designed to enable convicted felons and misdemeanants who suffer from qualifying disorders due to military service, with priority being given to those resulting from combat, to receive alternative sentencing, comprehensive monitored rehabilitative services and mental health treatment in lieu of other traditional sentencing options pursuant to Penal Code section 1170.9 The VTC is a collaborative program that includes the Probation Department, District Attorney’s Office, Public Defender’s Office, Sacramento Superior Court, Sacramento County Veteran’s Service Office, California Veterans Legal Task Force and the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Participants are placed on formal probation and required to make regular court appearances. They must agree to participate in the VTC for 12 to 18 month and undergo a treatment program designed and provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Mental Health Court (MHC)
The MHC Program places mentally ill offenders on probation with conditions that include a treatment plan developed by a multi-disciplinary team with members from the Probation Department, District Attorney’s Office, Public Defender’s Office, Court, and the Department of Mental Health. Offenders must take prescribed medication, participate in therapy, and avoid use of illegal drugs and alcohol.
Co-Occurring Mental Health Court
In early 2015, the Judicial Council of California awarded Recidivism Reduction Grant funding to support planning and implementation of a Co-occurring Mental Health Court (COMHC) program from April 1, 2015 through April 30, 2017. The COMHC program will operate collaboratively with members from the Court, Probation Department, District Attorney’s Office, Public Defender’s Office, Behavioral Health Division and Alcohol and Other Drug Services Division. The COMHC program will provide coordinated and integrated treatment services to moderate to high risk felony offenders suffering from severe mental health and substance abuse disorders.