Veterans' Treatment Court Featured in Documentary

Veterans Treatment Court 2016.png 
Sacramento County’s Veterans' Treatment Court (VTC) was featured in Stand and Salute, a  documentary on PBS, which was produced by Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission (MHSOAC). The program examines the mental health challenges faced by service members both during and after active duty.  It also explores the issues of homelessness, mental health challenges and military sexual trauma, as well as resources that are making a difference in veterans’ lives.  View the Veterans' Treatment Court segment in Stand and Salute at the 11:00:00 minute marker of the video.


This documentary aired in Sacramento on KVIE on Wednesday, November 9 at 7 pm; Friday, November 11 (Veterans Day) at 4 pm; and Sunday, November 13 at 6 pm.  It also aired in San Francisco on KRCB on November 7 at 7:30 pm.


A link to the program is also available on the MHSOAC website (  For more information about the documentary, visit: